Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An ENVI Merry Christmas - A Service Project

ENVI Consulting & Associates is proud to announce that we are sponsoring the Palmetto Teen Girls Group Home for Christmas. There are 6 young ladies who live in this group home in Palmetto, GA who we would like to spread a little Christmas joy and need your assistance!

We are surprising these young ladies with a full of Girly Fun:
A Limo Ride Around the Town
A Mini Makeover - Hair and Nails
A Gift from their Christmas Wish List
and to top it off.... Dinner at a Nice Restaurant.

We would love for your assistance in any capacity you can or wish to give.We are also collecting donations to make this a very merry Christmas for them.....ENVI Style!

Should you feel compelled to donate anything, monetarily or a small trinket for the girls do not hesitate to call at 678-558-6052 or email at

We would love your assistance in becoming a sponsor for the 1st Annual An ENVI Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to plan a Swanky and Chic Election Day Viewing Party

On today, November 4, 2008 we are embarking upon the greatest election in United States History. We will either have the First African American Man voted President of the United States or we will have the first Woman as Vice President of the United States. Either way, it is monumental. People across the country are gathering around in homes, lounges, workplaces, and in the comfort of their own beds to watch tonight's results. The ENVI team is very excited with tonight's outcome and would like to share with our readers how to plan a swanky and chic election day viewing party! It doesn't take much, just a few friends who are interested and excited about the results!

To have any party, you need to have food, drink, people, and some sort of entertainment. We are going to cover each topic quickly so that we can continue to run and finish the preparations for our own party tonight.

First, people. As with any event, you need to narrow down your guest list. If you are having an affair at your home, then you want to keep your guest list down to a number of people who you can host comfortably. Anywhere from 6-8 is perfect! You don't have to plan weeks in advance. This is something that you can throw together quickly. You can call your closest friends and let them know, but to add a twist, send out an Evite.

Second, plan your menu! Since this is something that you are creating last minute, you don't have to serve a gourmet menu. Passed hors Deavures and martinis are just enough. We chose to go the simplistic route. Chips and various types of dip - Cheese, Spinach, Ranch. Veggie Trays, and a Dessert selection. Cinnamon Rolls, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and of course Pound Cake!

Not to mention, we made Red, White, and Blue Martinis. Flavored Blue Raspberry, Pina Colada, and Cranberry. Tres Chic!

Finally, as for the Entertainment. That's easy! All you need is a TV with Election Day coverage. Some good friends for discussion and there you have it! Gather around CNN tonight to get all the Election Day coverage.

Let us know how your Election Day Party went at